Welcome to the website of Titanium TTi Co., Ltd.
I deeply appreciate that our company has come this far with the help and trust of our customers.
Based on my 30 years of experience in material manufacturing and processing technology engineer and management in metal engineering, I will always keep my original intention.
In addition, as a company with strong fundamentals that values trust and reliability, we will do our best to provide our customers with the shortest delivery time, the highest quality, and the best price service.
Thank you
Bok-moon Kim, CEO of Titanium TTI Co., Ltd.
Company : TTI Co., Ltd.
Tel : 031-432-1399
Fax : 031-433-1399
E-mail : titaniumtti@naver.com
Address : 314 Hwaseong-ro, Songsan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 18552 KOREA